We encourage applications for this panel at anytime.

Panel members can be Auditors only, Technical Experts only or both Auditors and Technical Experts.

All organisations applying for the Panel must complete application Form A.  Complete Form B for each auditor and/or technical expert you seek to include on the Panel.

WIC Act Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel Guide

Application for WIC Act Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel - Form A - Organisations

Application for WIC Act Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel - Form B - Auditor/Technical Expert

Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel Agreement

If your application is recommended for approval, you will be asked to sign the Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel Agreement.  You must agree to a number of conditions such as

  • engaging competent, suitably qualified personnel and allocation sufficient resources to ensure audits or the preparation and testing of contingency plans are completed as required
  • holding public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance and workers compensation insurance with a reputable insurer.

List of approved Auditors and Technical Experts

We keep a list of approved auditors and technical experts to ensure all WIC Act licensees have access to appropriate auditors or technical experts. Licensees may select suitably qualified individuals from the list of approved auditors or technical experts to undertake audits / prepare or test contingency plans. Licensees can also nominate auditors or technical experts and request our approval. Our preferred approach is for licensees to use pre-approved auditors or technical experts for all audits.

List of approved Auditors and Technical Experts


WIC Act Audit Guidelines

WIC Act Insurance Guideline