Application Forms, Fees, Guides & Guidelines
If you are considering applying for a WIC Act approval or licence, we strongly suggest you contact the Water Regulation and Compliance Water Team at IPART on 9290 8412 or email Christine Allen, Director Regulation and Compliance on to arrange a time to meet with us before you apply.
If you are applying for a modification or exclusion to the Deemed Customer Contract please see our application form, application guide and word version of the Deemed Customer Contract below.
Guides & guidelines to assist in applying
Applying for Licence:
Applying for an approval:
- WIC Act Scheme Approval Application Form
- WIC Act Scheme Approval Application Guide
- WIC Act Operational Approval Application Form
- WIC Act Operational Approval Application Guide
Applying for a modification or exclusion to the Deemed Customer Contract
- WIC Act Modification or Exclusion to the Deemed Customer Contract Application Form
- WIC Act Modification or Exclusion to the Deemed Customer Contract Application Guide
- WIC Act Deemed Customer Contract Word version
- Summary of Deemed Customer Contract
Licence and approval application fees 2024-2025
For existing licensees who are applying for an early variation to maximum scale of schemes or class of infrastructure for a transitioned licence during the transition period, a reduced variation application fee of $300 will apply until 1 March 2025.
See our Fees Report for more detail on how we set fees.
Type of application | Fee ($) |
Operator licence | 6000 |
Retailer licence | 6000 |
Combined operator/retailer licence | 10,000 |
Convert combined to separate operator and retailer licences | 2000 |
Part 5 assessment | 5000 |
Variation of licence | 3000 |
Scheme Approval | 8000 |
Operational Approval | 2000 |
Variation of Approval | 2000 |
Application fees for modification or exclusion to the Deemed Customer Contract 2023-2024
Type of application | Fee ($) |
Modification and/or exclusion application for new scheme/s | 2000 |
Modification and/or exclusion application for existing transitioning scheme/s | 300 |
Add a new scheme to an existing modification to and/or exclusion from the deemed customer contract | 300 |