Older man gardening
Sea ciff bridge

How our reviews work

We investigate and give advice on prices and other issues through a review process. This process includes consultation with residents and people from industry or government. We are a NSW government agency, but decisions and advice from our reviews are independent of the government.

Reviews can vary between industries, but they usually follow these steps:

  1. Preparation

    During this step we prepare our approach and publish a timetable. Each consultation is different in the time it takes and questions we’ll ask.

  2. Issues paper and consultation

    Have your say by making a submission in response to an issues paper.

    We publish an Issues Paper to explain our objectives and the criteria we’ll use for our decision. We invite comments on the Issues Paper.

  3. Draft report and consultation

    Have your say by making a submission in response to the draft report.

    We invite feedback on our Draft Report. You can have your say before we make a final decision or recommendation.

  4. Public hearings

    Have your say by making a submission or attending a public hearing.

    We engage with the public through online hearings at specific times in the consultation process. The hearings provide a forum for feedback and inform our decision.

  5. Final report

    Final Reports or pricing determinations are available immediately to residents and stakeholders. Special reports or licensing recommendations are submitted to the NSW Government.

Ways that residents can participate

You can get involved by making a submission to an open consultation, or by attending a public hearing.  We thoroughly review all submissions and your opinion informs our draft and final reports.


Recent reviews

Review of electricity network operators' critical infrastructure licence conditions
In progress
Maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services from 1 July 2025
6 days left for submissions