What you’ll need to do
The review process follows specific stages, generally over the course of several months. You can have your say by making an online submission, attending a public hearing or getting in touch with the review’s contact person.
The review process follows specific stages, generally over the course of several months. You can have your say by making an online submission, attending a public hearing or getting in touch with the review’s contact person.
Each review is different in the time it takes and questions we’ll ask. We prepare our approach and publish a timetable during this step.
Have your say by making a submission in response to an issues paper.
We publish an issues paper to explain our objectives and criteria to be used for a determination or decision and invite comments from residents.
Have your say by making a submission in response to the draft report.
We invite feedback from residents on our draft report, via submissions ahead of making a final determination or recommendation.
Have your say by making a submission or attending a public hearing.
We enagage with the public through online hearings at specific times in the review process to allow a forum for feedback to inform our decision.
Final reports or pricing determinations are immediately available to residents. Special reports or licensing recommendations are submitted to NSW Government.
Anyone can make a submission for one of our current, open consultations.
When you lodge a submission, you have the option to ask for your submission to be anonymous and/or confidential.
After you lodge your submission, you’ll receive a confirmation email.
Your feedback is important to our consultation process. Make a submission or attend a public hearing to have your say.