
IPART appoints auditors to undertake audits. IPART may engage an auditor to undertake an audit or direct an applicant or licensee subject to an audit to engage a specific auditor or an auditor from a panel of auditors. Audits may be required to be submitted by applicants in support of applications for licences or approvals or variations to licences or approvals. Audits are normally required of licensees to ensure their schemes are effectively managed to minimise any risks to public health, safety and the environment, in compliance their legal and formal requirements. This may include auditing the construction, operation and maintenance of the schemes, as well as the supply of retail services to customers. 

Further information on the audit framework under WICA is included in the Audit Guidelines below. 

More information on our WIC Act Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel (includes how to join a panel)

Technical Experts

IPART appoints technical experts to undertake the preparation or testing of contingency plans. Essential service providers or last resort providers (LRP) may be required by IPART to engage a technical expert from IPART’s panel to undertake these tasks.

Under the WIC Act, the Minister for Water can appoint an LRP to deliver essential services if the current provider fails. Contingency plans are required to help the LRP maintain services with minimal disruption during such events. 

IPART typically requires that contingency plans are tested by a technical expert when prepared by the essential service provider. This is to give assurance to the LRP and IPART that the plan has been appropriately prepared, as there is no obligation on the essential service provider to provide access to the LRP to inspect the infrastructure or systems if the LRP does not prepare the plan. 

Technical experts can inspect infrastructure and systems, review relevant information, and carry out any necessary testing of contingency plans. This ensures that contingency plans are properly prepared and meet all legislative requirements.

More information on our WIC Act Audit Services and Technical Experts Panel (includes how to join a panel)

More information on last resort providers and Contingency Plans

Fact Sheet

Summary of Audit Framework

Audit Guideline

IPART has prepared Audit Guidelines under the WIC Act to provide guidance to auditors, technical experts and licensees regarding the conduct of audits and specific types of audit that we require to be undertaken.

WIC Act Audit Guideline – July 2020