To assist in its assessment of the Associate Contract under the National Third Party Access Code for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems, the Tribunal invites publi
AGLGN has agreed to further information being released relating to its proposed associate contract application to assist in facilitating public submissions
AGLGN's application for approval of a proposed contract between it and its associate, AGL Retail Energy, is submitted in accordance with section 7.1 of the N
These guidelines were prepared by the Tribunal to provide information to service providers and other interested parties on Associate Contracts under the Nati
The avoided distribution costs guideline provides clarity to DNSPs and demand management service providers on how the Tribunal would evaluate avoided distrib
The foregone revenue guideline sets out principles for estimating revenue foregone as a result of implementing a non tariff based demand management measure.
The loss management investment guideline provides DNSPs and associated service providers with clarity on how the Tribunal would assess the prudence of loss m
The network planning note summarises the consultation group’s analysis, findings and recommendations regarding the DNSPs’ network planning processes and thei
In December 2004, the Tribunal released draft guidelines on the application of the d-factor in the Tribunal’s 2004 NSW Electricity Distribution Pricing Deter
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) has required amendments to AGL Gas Networks’ (AGLGN) proposal that reduce regulated revenue by
Explains the findings and conclusions of the Energy Consulting Group’s review of additional capital and operating expenditure submitted by AGLGN in response
Explains the final findings and conclusions of McLennan Magasanik Associate’s review of revised demand forecasts submitted by AGLGN following the Tribunal’s
After taking into account submissions and the relevant factors as described in Clause 6.3 of the Guidelines (see the attached) the Tribunal has decided to gr