This page provides information on IPART’s functions and the various kinds of information we hold. The following links relate to IPART’s obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Documents tabled in Parliament
Documents about the agency that have been tabled in Parliament.
Disclosure Log
IPART’s disclosure log of formal access applications.
Tenders & Contracts
IPART’s register of awarded tenders & contracts.
Agency information guide
The open access information section contains details of IPART's structure and functions, types of information it holds, and the ways in which information can be accessed.
Applying for access to information
An IPART Right to Information Officer will formally access applications.
For further assistance, or to make a formal GIPA application, please contact us via email ipart@ipart.nsw.gov.au or on (02) 9290 8400.
To make a formal access application, you must pay us an application fee of $30. We may also charge a further $30 per hour of processing (e.g. searching for information, consulting third parties, or making decisions about documents), and may ask for an advance deposit based on the estimated processing charges.
Under the GIPA Act, you may be eligible for a discount of 50% if you can demonstrate that you suffer financial hardship, you are a full-time student or a not-for-profit organisation, or that the information you are requesting is of special benefit to the public. If you are requesting your own personal information, the application fee will cover the first 20 hours of processing. The Information and Privacy Commission has published fact sheets about the GIPA application process.