IPART protects consumers in situations where they don’t have a choice of service providers, or where there are other market failures, from unfair or unsafe behaviour such as excessive charging. We do this by implementing appropriate safeguards such as price limits or licence conditions, or by making recommendations to the NSW Government. 

Our Vision

We want all markets and systems in NSW to be operating efficiently, effectively and sustainably to support the wellbeing of people in NSW.

This includes taking a future-focused perspective to identify and solve challenges before they impact the community.

Our Goals
Citizen-focused decision making

Our regulatory approaches, engagement and communications are accessible and support better outcomes for the people of NSW.

What we want to see:

  • We keep an open mind to make sure our work is effectively informed by the diverse communities and stakeholders who may be impacted.

  • Impacts on people are a central consideration in our work and we ensure we understand how our work will impact them.

  • We build and value strong connections with a diverse range of communities including with Aboriginal communities, regional and rural people, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and people with disability.

  • We communicate our work in a way that everyone can understand.

Seek avenues to make meaningful change

IPART understands NSW’s strategic context and proactively engages and pursues opportunities to make an impact through improved regulatory approaches and tackling challenging market or system issues.

What we want to see:

  • IPART is responsive to the strategic context.

  • IPART meets stakeholder needs with timely and practical solutions.

  • IPART assists in identifying and resolving complex issues and challenges.

  • Regulated services and markets effectively address major forces, trends and transitions.

  • Regulatory outputs and approaches align with short-medium- and long-term requirements.

  • We make recommendations that are practical to implement.

Strengthen IPART’s capability and culture

Build a workplace which supports inclusivity, growth and diversity. Develop our capabilities to support continued high-quality service provision.

What we want to see:

  • IPART has a strong, values-based culture.

  • IPART maintains a safe, healthy, and flexible workplace.

  • It is a sough-after employer, attracting experts and highly skilled staff from diverse fields and communities.

  • IPART boasts high-quality staff and leaders with excellent core and contemporary skills.

  • We adapt to evolving regulatory landscapes, contextual changes and technological advancements, enhancing efficiency and impact.

Maintain best practice governance

Ensure impartiality, integrity and high-quality decision making and services through best practice governance and regulatory approaches.

What we want to see:

  • The Tribunal utilises best practice decision making and regulatory methods.

  • IPART has a strong reputation for its integrity, contemporary regulatory approaches, and effective risk management.

  • Budgeting and resource planning supports agile, efficient service delivery and staff well-being.

Our Values
Integrity and Courage
  • We treat people fairly

  • We are willing to make difficult decisions

  • We act and make decisions transparently

  • We own our mistakes and learn from them

Respect and Inclusion
  • We are courteous and considerate

  • We encourage and recognise everyone’s contributions

  • We bring together diverse experiences and skills to generate better solutions

  • We approach people with empathy

Curiosity and Openness
  • We seek out and develop new ideas that will improve our work

  • We listen to understand and to gain new perspectives

  • We invite challenge to our thinking

  • We support each other to learn and develop

Making a difference
  • We pursue better outcomes for the people of NSW

  • We consider the context and impact of our actions and decisions

  • We apply skill, diligence and creativity to our work

  • We empower people by sharing our knowledge and experience

Annual Reports

2023-24 Annual Report