The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure has referred to IPART the task of making recommendations regarding the appropriate maximum fares for taxi services in Sydney that ply or stand for hire on a road (“rank and hail services”), to apply fr
We are seeking comment on draft recommendations for the number of annual taxi licences to be released in Sydney in 2014, and the fares to apply in the Sydney Greater metropolitan area from July 2014.
Outlines key issues to be considered in the annual reviews of fares for taxi, private bus and private ferry services in NSW, including out of service provision, quality of service, and social and environmental implications of fare increases.
IPART makes recommendations on maximum taxi fares to Transport for NSW each year. Our recommendations are based on the annual changes in costs measured by Taxi Cost Indices (TCIs).
We estimate how much the cost of providing taxi services has changed over the previous 12 months based on the movement in two industry-specific cost indices, known as the Taxi Cost Indices (TCIs).
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released its draft report on taxi fares to apply outside Sydney from July 2015.The draft report outlines our draft findings and recommendations and submissions are sought by 15 May.IPAR
IPART reviews taxi fares annually under terms of reference received from the Premier and makes recommendations on fares to the Minister for Transport. IPART also conducts a mid-year review examining changes in LPG fuel costs.
The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure has referred to IPART the task of making recommendations regarding the appropriate maximum fares for taxi services outside Sydney that ply or stand for hire on a road (“rank and hail services”), to app
Sets out results of a taxi cost survey completed by drivers and operators in NSW in 2007. Provides PWC’s analysis of the survey results and recommended weightings for the taxi cost index.
The purpose of this model is to:a) Calculate the annual historical increase in costs faced by drivers and operators of taxis via the urban and country taxi cost index.b) Adjust the index weightings to ensure that the index reflects the costs faced
Provides a detailed explanation of IPART's calculation of cost indexes used in transport. It is designed to assist stakeholders examining the taxi cost index model which has also been released and can be found on our website.
Provides a detailed explanation of IPART's calculation of cost indexes used in transport. It is designed to assist stakeholders examining the taxi cost index model which has also been released and can be found on our website.
A short overview of the purpose, intent and considerations for our review. IPART wants to hear from stakeholders and interested parties about how taxi fares should be set in future.
IPART reviews taxi fares annually under terms of reference received from the Premier and makes recommendations on fares to the Minister for Transport. IPART has decided to also conduct a mid-year review examining changes in LPG fuel costs.
The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure has referred to IPART the task of making recommendations regarding the number of taxi licences (other than licences for wheelchair accessible taxis) to be issued to operate in areas outside Sydney duri