IPART reviews taxi fares annually under a five year standing reference received from the Premier and makes recommendations on fares to the Minister for Transpor
04 Feb 2016 We regularly survey Sydney, other urban and country residents about their use (and non-use) of taxis and other forms of point-to-point transport to
17 Dec 2013 IPART has released a draft report on the maximum taxi fares and review of annual Sydney taxi licences from July 2014.Our draft recommendation is for
14 Apr 2015 The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released its draft report on taxi fares to apply outside Sydney from July 2015.The dra
‘IPART commissioned Taverner Research to undertake surveys of Sydney and other NSW residents in November 2015 and Sydney residents in February 2016 about their
18 Dec 2014 The Independent Pricing and regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released its draft report on Sydney taxi fares to apply from July 2015 and number of n
15 Oct 2013 IPART has released an issues paper for the review of NSW taxi fares and the number of Sydney taxi licences from 1 July 2014.The issues paper release
07 Oct 2014 IPART is reviewing maximum taxi fares in Sydney and the number of new annual taxi licences to be issued; both will apply from July 2015.The release
Date Review Submission Industry January 2024 Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) review of the network determinations for NSW distribution service providers for
IPART commissioned Taverner Research to undertake surveys of NSW residents in November 2016 and February 2017 about their use of taxis, ride share and other for
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