IPART wants to hear from you regarding our Draft Report on maximum fares for rank and hail taxi servicesIPART has been asked to review and make recommendations
IPART is from time to time asked to advise the NSW Government on maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services.The current maximum fares for taxis can be found
IPART reviews taxi fares annually under a five year standing reference received from the Premier and makes recommendations on fares to the Minister for Transpor
IPART was asked to provide advice to the NSW Government on:maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services across NSW to apply from 1 July 2018, andthe number of
The Tribunal has modified the Taxi Cost Index by replacing any inflators that are currently industry-provided with appropriate data from independent sources
IPART is conducting a review of taxi fares for NSW and will be making recommendations to the Minister for Transport on the taxi fares to apply from July 2011.
IPART is conducting a review of taxi fares for NSW and will be making recommendations to the Minister for Transport on the taxi fares to apply from 1 July 2009.
IPART is conducting a review of taxi fares for NSW and will be making recommendations to the Minister for Transport on the taxi fares to apply from July 2010.
Transport for NSW has asked IPART to review and make recommendations on the number of annual taxi licences (other than wheelchair accessible taxis) to be releas
The Tribunal has recommended to the Minister of Transport that from 14 August 2006 urban taxi fares should rise 4.0% and country taxi fares should rise 2.9%.
The Tribunal has been requested under section 9(1)(b) of its Act to assist the Minister forTransport Services in the setting of fares for taxi services.
The Tribunal has been requested under section 9(1)(b) of its Act to assist the Minister for Transport Services in the setting of fares for taxi services.