main with briefcase in suit standing next to taxi
A line of taxis in the city at dusk
Total feedback submissions

IPART wants to hear from you regarding our Draft Report on maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services

IPART has been asked to review and make recommendations on the maximum fares for travel in taxis caught from a taxi rank or hailed from the street (“rank and hail taxi services”). 

Fares for rank and hail taxi services are regulated by the Government. This is an important mechanism to protect customers who are not in a position to shop around for point to point transport prices. (On the other hand, a person who wants to book a trip in a taxi does have the opportunity compare different taxi service providers or alternatives such as rideshare, so fares for booked trips are not regulated.) 

We have published a Draft Report, Fact Sheet, and Media Release that set out our draft recommended fare schedules and additional recommendations to Transport for NSW. 

We are keen to hear what you think about our draft recommendations and welcome your submissions to our Draft Report. You can also complete a short Survey on our draft recommendations.

A technical workshop has been scheduled for 9 AM to 10 AM on Thursday 20 March. You can register for the technical workshop here.

We will consider all feedback received in submissions and at the public hearing before finalizing our recommendations and submitting a Final Report to the Minister for Transport in May. Transport for NSW will consider IPART’s recommendations when setting new maximum fares through a fares order to apply from 1 July 2025.

Key contact
Jennifer Vincent