Explains decision to establish default tariffs for small customers and regulate miscellaneous charges through Voluntary Pricing Principles during the early s
Report of October 2001, following release of Draft Guidelines in July 2001, provides information and guidance for Service Providers and related parties about
Under the Government’s current timetable for introducing full retail contestability (FRC) to the NSW electricity and gas markets, consumers will be able to c
In recent years, concerns about the environmental impact of electricity generation, together with high and volatile prices and generation capacity constraint
This report provides information on the performance of the six electricity distribution businesses that operated in NSW (the Distribution Network Service Pro
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Tribunal) was prompted to consider ring fencing as a result of the responsibilities conferred on it by claus
The Minister for Energy has asked the Tribunal to review the electricity and gas licensing regimes in NSW and recommend how to improve licence and authorisat
In December 1999, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (the Tribunal) issued a Determination under the National Electricity Code (the Code) for di