This fact sheet explains that we have released the our survey’s findings in a series of fact sheets, information papers, reports and output tables. The information papers and reports each cover a different topic.
We have made a determination to apply for 5 years with fares to be updated annually based on the change in costs measured by a bus industry cost index. This report sets out our decisions and recommendations and supporting reasons.
This is Frontier Economics’ report to us on energy usage, particularly their analysis of the main drivers of this usage. The report’s statistical appendix is published as a separate document (Excel).
This workbook contains the responses to each survey question for Sydney, by household income group. The responses are weighted to represent Sydney’s population.
This workbook contains the responses to each survey question for Hunter, by household income group. The responses are weighted to represent Hunter’s population.
This workbook contains the detailed results of the regression analysis of gas and electricity usage from the 2015 household survey. It also contains tables of descriptive statistics, most of which are used in the report.