IPART is reviewing the maximum prices that Hunter Water can charge customers to provide water, wastewater, stormwater, and other services. The prices we set in this review will apply from 1 July 2025 for 5 years.
We recognise that access to safe, reliable and affordable water at a fair price is critical to our communities, environment and economy
Customers should pay only what Hunter Water requires to efficiently deliver the services their customers need. Our aim is to hold Hunter Water accountable in a way that delivers good short, medium, and long-term customer outcomes.
Under the IPART Act, when reviewing water prices, we are required to consider a range of matters, including:
- the cost of providing the service
- consumer protection against abuse of monopoly power by a water utility
- the need to promote competition in the supply of the service
- the need for greater efficiency in the supply of the service to reduce costs to consumers and taxpayers.
- appropriate rates of return on public sector assets
- the social impact of our determinations
- the need to maintain ecologically sustainable development and protect the environment.
We will conduct a detailed and consultative process
We will conduct a thorough and transparent process to examine the costs and impacts for customers which includes consulting stakeholders. Through our price review process, we focus on protecting customer affordability, while also ensuring Hunter Water remains financially viable and able to efficiently deliver services.
We will closely review Hunter Water’s pricing proposal to determine whether it promotes value for money, is in the interests of customers, and delivers the outcomes customers need and want. We do this by thoroughly examining the costs and carefully considering impacts of Hunter Water’s pricing proposal on household budgets, service standards, the environment, and the economy more broadly.
In addition to this process and our legislative responsibilities, the NSW Government requires this review to include consideration of the following factors when setting prices:
- the cost-of-living impacts of Hunter Water’s prices
- the effectiveness of existing rebates to manage the social impacts of Hunter Water prices
- opportunities to adjust project timelines to minimise price impacts and, if necessary, to reduce the proposed capital programs in line with least cost planning principles
- deliverability of the proposed capital plans based on capability and market conditions.
Our Issues Paper summarises the key issues of Hunter Water’s proposal, including how Hunter Water has engaged with and understood its customers and communities, its proposed costs and service levels, and customer outcomes, including affordability of proposed prices. We have published all non-confidential submissions to our Issues Paper.
We held an online public hearing on 18 November 2024, which provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to speak directly to the Tribunal.
Importantly, all stakeholders - including Hunter Water’s customers - and the broader community, will have the opportunity to comment on our Draft Report, which will be released early April 2025. You can submit your feedback on Hunter Water’s pricing proposal through our feedback form at the top of the page.
The following links provide more information on how we review and determine water prices and about the water businesses that we regulate.