IPART is reviewing our approach to assessing contributions plans and updating our local infrastructure benchmarks.
Our Terms of Reference require IPART to review each contribution plan in accordance with the assessment criteria set out in the 2019 Practice Note. Within this framework, IPART has flexibility in determining how to assess contributions plans. We are refining our assessment approach to make sure it is as efficient and effective as possible.
We are also updating our benchmarks for local infrastructure, and we are seeking feedback on aggregate benchmarks for infrastructure categories that we are developing for stormwater, transport and open space. Our updated benchmarks will help councils prepare cost estimates for infrastructure items and will inform our assessment of reasonable costs. Our new aggregate benchmarks may support a more streamlined approach to assessing reasonable costs.
We held a workshop on 9 December 2024 to hear from stakeholders on our discussion paper and draft infrastructure benchmarks. We have released a summary of the workshop, the agenda and presentation slides, which can be accessed here. We have also extended the deadline for accepting submissions until Friday 21 February 2025.
Contributions plans set out the local infrastructure required to meet the demand from new development, and the contribution a council can levy on developers to fund the necessary land and works. Currently, a council cannot levy contributions above a threshold of $30,000 per lot or dwelling in identified greenfield areas and $20,000 per dwelling in other areas unless IPART has reviewed the contributions plan and provided its report to the Minister, and the council has made any amendments to the contributions plan required by the Minister. We review these plans in accordance with our Terms of Reference.