IPART engaged the Centre for International Economics (the CIE) to estimate whether the introduction of the CDS has had any other market impacts on consumers
IPART engaged the Centre for International Economics (the CIE) to provide expert advice on the efficient costs of the EPA regulatory and compliance activitie
IPART has released a draft report on the impacts of the NSW container deposit scheme on beverage prices and competition over the first nine months of the sch
This Draft Report outlines IPART’s draft findings and recommendations on the impacts of the NSW container deposit scheme on beverage prices and competition o
This spreadsheet is a Draft Report building block model that presents how our draft decisions for the financeability test would be implemented and the financ
We have reviewed of our financeability test which we use to assess the impact of our pricing decisions on the short-term financeability of regulated business
We have released a Draft Report for our review of the financeability test we use to assess the impact of our pricing decisions on the short-term financeabili
This Draft Report explains our draft decisions on the financeability test we use to assess how our price decisions are likely to affect the business’ financi
IPART engaged the consultancy firm Deloitte Access Economics to provide advice on how to improve our method for calculating the working capital allowance.
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) seeks feedback on the financeability test we use to assess how our pricing decisions affect the finan
This Progress Report outlines IPART’s preliminary findings and recommendations on the impacts of the NSW container deposit scheme on beverage prices and comp