In late October 2004, the Tribunal established the demand management consultation group to develop principles and guidelines to give effect to the demand man
The avoided distribution costs guideline provides clarity to DNSPs and demand management service providers on how the Tribunal would evaluate avoided distrib
The loss management investment guideline provides DNSPs and associated service providers with clarity on how the Tribunal would assess the prudence of loss m
The foregone revenue guideline sets out principles for estimating revenue foregone as a result of implementing a non tariff based demand management measure.
The network planning note summarises the consultation group’s analysis, findings and recommendations regarding the DNSPs’ network planning processes and thei
Supplements the findings and conclusions of the Energy Consulting Group’s review of AGLGN’s capital and operating expenditure for the period 1 January 1999 t
Explains the final findings and conclusions of McLennan Magasanik Associate’s review of AGLGN’s demand forecasts over the proposed access arrangement period.
Explains the final findings and conclusions of the Allen Consulting Group’s review of the terms and conditions contained in AGLGN’s proposed access arrangeme
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) has called for AGLGN to offer customers bigger price cuts through a lower rate of return, and
AGLGN requests that in the review of the AGLGN Access Arrangement, Ipart treat the following 4 pipelines as a single covered pipeline, as allowed under secti
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (Tribunal) has received a request from Integral Energy to waive its compliance with clause 5.4.1 (sepa
lntegral Energy (Integral) has made the decision that, at this point in time, it will not actively participate in the provision of contestable services and w