This paper reviews issues associated with price control, considers the alternative approaches available and provides some preliminary conclusions to assist s
Since the disaggregation of the NSW electricity industry into generation, transmission, distribution and retail supply, IPART has regulated the non-contestab
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (the Tribunal) has been asked to recommend which functions of the NSW rail safety regulator, the Transport Sa
As part of its section 12A inquiry into electricity network and retail pricing, the Tribunal commissioned Intelligent Energy Systems to prepare this report a
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has been requested by Government to review specific aspects of the NSW Rail Access Regime (the Regime
As part of its section 12A inquiry into electricity network and transmission pricing, the Tribunal commissioned London Economics to prepare this report on ef
As part of its section 12A inquiry into electricity network and transmission pricing, the Tribunal is examining the efficiency of NSW distribution businesses
On 16 June 1998, the Premier of New South Wales issued a special reference under section 12A of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act, 1992, in
This report is the second of three reports comprising the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s review of fee setting for development control service
IPART engaged Worley International in association with PricewaterhouseCoopers (hereinafter referred to as Worley) to conduct a review of the NSPs’ capital ex
IPART engaged Worley International in association with PricewaterhouseCoopers (hereinafter referred to as Worley) to conduct a review of the NSPs’ capital ex
It is widely accepted that the form of regulation applied to network service providers is a critical factor in determining the overall performance of the ind
Electricity prices (ie transmission, distribution and retail prices for franchise customers), are currently determined by the Tribunal under s15 of the IPART
The Tribunal’s determination of maximum pricing for streetlighting services will continue to be necessary as long as effective competition does not exist.