The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales (the Tribunal) regulates the charges that Wyong Shire Council can levy for the water, sewe
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales (the Tribunal) regulates the charges that Gosford City Council can levy for the water, sew
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales (the Tribunal) regulates the charges that Hunter Water Corporation (Hunter Water) can levy
This determination is no longer in effect. Customer contributions towards the costs of augmentation of a distribution system are now regulated by the AER
This report discusses the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s proposed regulatory arrangements for prices charged to tariff customers1 by the incum
In June 1998, the Albury Gas Company (AGC) submitted its proposed Access Arrangement (AA) for the natural gas distribution system in Albury, Moama and Jinder
In keeping with the commitments made in 1994 by the Council of Australian Governments, the NSW Government is introducing competition in the supply of natural
The Tribunal’s review of the taxi and hire car industries expresses the NSW Government’s commitment to reform all legislation which restricts competition.