This paper shows how the incentive to delay cost savings in a standard CPI-X pricing regime can be overcome by a carryover mechanism or by sharing the gains
This discussion paper reviews the customer engagement approaches used by regulators and regulated businesses through case studies drawn from regulation in Au
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) is examining customer engagement and consultation in the development and setting of prices for
IPART has released an Issues Paper which provides relevant background information and identifies key issues to assist the Sydney Catchment Authority and othe
Advertisement, Invitation for submissions on the issues paper for the review of prices for Sydney Water's water, sewerage, stormwater and recycled water serv
In this review IPART will review the price structures for the water and sewerage services provided by Sydney Water, Hunter Water, Gosford City Council and Wy
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal is inviting public comment on prices charged for water and sewerage services provided by Sydney Water, Hunter
In this review IPART will determine Sydney Water's charges for the provision of water, sewerage, stormwater, trade waste and other ancillary and miscellaneou
IPART is conducting an end-of-term review of the Operating Licence and review of prices to be charged by the Sydney Catchment Authority from 1 July 2012.