Reducing your water consumption

Reducing the amount of water you use can save money, and the Australian Government has some tips and tools that may help.

Water use varies throughout the year and depends on the number of people per household, the type of dwelling, and the number and age of water saving devices in use.

IPART surveyed households in New South Wales in 2015 to learn more about residential resource use and to collect the socio-economic, demographic and behavioural data that inform and strengthen our pricing review process.

Typical water use

Based on the results of our 2015 survey of households in the Sydney Water, Hunter Water and Central Coast Council areas of operation, we know that larger households tend to use more water than smaller ones. Typically

  • Households with 1-2 residents use about 35 kilolitres of water per quarter
  • Households with 3-4 residents use about 55 kilolitres of water per quarter, and
  • Households with 5 or more residents use about 65 kilolitres of water per quarter.