A party may seek access to a water industry infrastructure service by lodging a coverage declaration application with IPART, together with the application fee of $2500.

Once IPART receives that application, IPART must recommend to the Premier on whether the declaration should or should not be made. Once the Premier receives the recommendation, the Premier may either make the declaration or not make a declaration for the service.

If the Premier makes the coverage declaration, then that party obtains a right to negotiate access to services with a binding arbitration available for disputes relating to access.

Sydney Water’s Bondi, Malabar and North Head sewerage reticulation networks are currently subject to coverage declarations.

Further information

Coverage declaration application form

Guide to declaration of infrastructure services

Fact Sheet #1 - Overview of the Access Regime

Fact Sheet #2 - Coverage revocation and binding non coverage declarations and access undertakings
Negotiation protocols

Cost allocation

Register of Infrastructure Services