IPART held a public hearing on Thursday 21 November 2024 on Sydney Water and WaterNSW’s proposed water prices from 1 July 2025.
On Friday 1 November 2024, we published Sydney Water and WaterNSW’s pricing proposals for prices to apply from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2030 and released an Issues Paper that summarised the key issues.
On Thursday 21 November 2024, we held an online public hearing as part of our consultation process for the 2 water price reviews. The public hearing provided an opportunity for the community to have their say, respond to key issues raised in our Issues Paper, and ask questions directly to Sydney Water, WaterNSW and IPART.
The online public hearing had 2 sessions:
- Session 1: Discussion about Sydney Water’s proposed prices with presentations from Sydney Water and IPART
- Session 2: Discussion about WaterNSW’s proposed prices in the Greater Sydney area with presentations from WaterNSW and IPART
There were 108 people (not including IPART, Sydney Water and WaterNSW staff) that attended this hearing. Participants raised issues including proposed price increases for different customers groups, proposed capital expenditure projects, customer engagement processes, proposed growth driven expenditure, dividends to the State Government and proposed approach to managing risks.
Agenda, slides, video recording and transcript
The agenda, presentations slides, transcript and video recording can be accessed below:
- Agenda
- IPART presentation slides
- Sydney Water presentation slides
- WaterNSW presentation slides
- Transcript
- Video recording (This video recording will be available only until the end of these reviews)
- Response to question on notice – Sydney Water – Customer Incentives Overview
Thank you to all stakeholders who attended our public hearing
We are grateful to everyone who attended our public hearing and shared their views with the Tribunal.
We have listened to the community’s views and will consider all feedback and comments when we make our draft decisions and recommendations for our Draft Reports, to be released in Mid 2025. Customers and the community will have a further opportunity to provide feedback and comments after we release our Draft Reports.