IPART monitors 3 major public water utilities, and 21 private water utilities licensed under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006 (WIC Act) in NSW to check they comply with their licence conditions. We collect annual performance data from each utility.

Fact sheet about NSW public and private water utilities performance indicators.

The database presents performance indicator data from 2019-20.

Information presented in the database relates to the following regulated water utilities:

Public Water Utilities - Hunter Water Corporation, Sydney Water Corporation and Water NSW.

Private Water Utilities - Aquacell, AquaNet Sydney, Catherine Hill Bay Water Utility, Central Park Water, Cooranbong Water, Discovery Point Water, Flow Systems, Flow Systems Operations, Green Square Water, Huntlee Water, Lend Lease Recycled Water, Narara Ecovillage Co-operative, Orica Australia, Pitt Town Water, SGSP Rosehill Network, Solo Water, SUEZ Water and Treatment Solutions, Sydney Desalination Plant, Veolia Water Australia, Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies, Wyee Water.

As the nature and scale of operations vary between utilities, comparisons of performance indicator data can be difficult. Therefore, we do not attempt to provide commentary or draw comparisons between the utilities’ data.

Any enquiries about the database should be made to compliance@ipart.nsw.gov.au