Lake stclair

Altogether Cooranbong Pty Ltd (Altogether Cooranbong) has applied to vary its network operator's licence (15_033) and Altogether Group Pty Ltd (Altogether Group) has applied to vary its retail supplier’s licence (13_001R), under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006 (NSW) (WIC Act). 

The applications are for the North Cooranbong Scheme in the City of Lake Macquarie local government area. The scheme currently provides drinking water, recycled water and sewerage services to residential and commercial customers.

We are seeking feedback from stakeholders on these applications. The public consultation period is from 17 June 2022 to 25 July 2022 inclusive.

We assess each application against the criteria outlined in section 10(4) of the WIC Act to determine if the Minister should grant a licence.

We will consider feedback from stakeholders and we will make a recommendation to the Minister, whether or not to grant a network operator’s licence and a retail supplier’s licence, and its conditions.

Please see our fact sheet for more information on making submissions to WIC Act applications.