What is under review?
The NSW Rail Access Undertaking provides for third party access to certain parts of the NSW rail network. It limits the amount of revenue that rail owners can charge other businesses to use the network. Rail owners cannot receive more revenue that the economic costs of providing the service.
We are reviewing the Transport Asset Holding Entity’s (TAHE) revenue and costs of providing the Hunter Valley Coal Network in 2020-21 to assess whether this requirement has been met. We review other parts of the network under separate compliance processes.
Who does this review affect?
This review affects TAHE and the users of its Hunter Valley Coal Network, which is the 5 sectors of the Hunter Valley Coal Network between Newstan Junction and Woodville Junction.
If TAHE collects too much revenue from rail users, then it must return this over-recovery balance to zero (for example, by providing users a refund, or reducing their charges in future years).
This is our first review of TAHE’s Hunter Valley coal network compliance since TAHE took over ownership of the network from RailCorp on 1 July 2020.