IPART has completed its review of the proposed stormwater infrastructure charge to be levied by Sydney Water for developers in the Mamre Road industrial and commercial precinct, close to the new Nancy Bird-Walton Airport in Western Sydney.

Tribunal Chair Carmel Donnelly said IPART found material opportunities to reduce costs in Sydney Water’s proposed stormwater scheme for the precinct, with the review showing that efficient costs are around $860 million, 16% lower than Sydney Water’s current proposal.

“Based on our review of an alternative design for managing stormwater, we found that the required environmental outcomes could be delivered at a lower cost,” Ms Donnelly said.

“IPART recommends that costs—estimated at $850,000 per hectare—be recovered from developers.

“This charge reflects the scheme’s primary purpose of managing the impacts of additional stormwater loads from development. and ensures water customers and existing residents are not paying for services that are development driven.

“Developers also benefit the most from not needing to manage stormwater on-site.”

The scheme ensures that stormwater targets to protect the sensitive Wianamatta-South Creek catchment are met, while supporting large format industrial development in Western Sydney.

“Stormwater from industrial land that is not well managed can cause problems through erosion and the transportation of pollutants to downstream waterways” Ms. Donnelly said. 

“Developer contributions will fund stormwater management to prevent irreversible degradation of water quality.”

The NSW Government is now considering IPART’s findings and recommendations.