IPART has released a Final Report on the infrastructure contributions that Wollondilly Shire Council can levy for the residential and non-residential development within the Appin Growth Area.

Tribunal Chair Carmel Donnelly said contributions plans allow councils to provide public services and essential infrastructure – such as parks, roads and stormwater management – for communities in new development areas. 

“Our analysis of the Appin Growth Area Contributions Plan 2024 has found that the costs for open space infrastructure in the plan require revision,” Ms Donnelly said.

“We also found that there are corrections needed in the works schedule for both the proportion of non-residential land and the dimensions of transport items. However, all included infrastructure is essential and reasonable, and community liaison has occurred.” 

Wollondilly Shire Council is proposing to levy contributions of around $85,000 for a typical dwelling in the Appin Growth Area. Our recommendations reduce this rate to around $75,500, and the total cost of the plan from around $1.54 billion to $1.36 billion, to be raised through developer contributions over a period of over 30 years. These contributions are expected to provide the essential infrastructure needed to service the residents of the new Appin community. 

The plan covers around 2,950 hectares and will eventually provide close to 18,650 dwellings for a population of 55,950 people. There is significant planning documentation for the Appin Growth Area that is not yet finalised, however IPART has proceeded with its assessment to prevent possible funding gaps for the council and ratepayers and because the plan is in its conceptual stage.

Ms Donnelly said the Tribunal made 6 recommendations for the council to address. 

“These recommendations include revising the scope and costs of open space works, correcting works schedule errors, adjusting the allocation of non-residential land, and including a land acquisition allowance,” she said.

“We are also recommending that the council updates the plan administration costs relative to the updated total works costs following our recommendations, and uses more suitable indexes for works costs over time.”

“If the Minister accepts our recommendations the maximum contribution rate would be around $75,500 for a typical dwelling.”

“We have provided our report to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The Minister (or Minister’s nominee) will consider our recommendations and then advise the council on whether any changes are needed before it can adopt the Appin Growth Area Contributions Plan 2024.” 

The Final Report is available on IPART’s website.

Media Contact: Mark O’Brien, 0427 105 865, media@ipart.nsw.gov.au.