IPART has released a Draft Report on the infrastructure contributions that Wollondilly Shire Council can levy for the Appin residential and non-residential development within the Appin Growth Area.

Tribunal Chair Carmel Donnelly said that developer contributions fund services and amenities for the developing area, such as open space, stormwater, transport, and land.

Wollondilly Shire Council proposed to levy around $1.54 billion in contributions over a period extending beyond 30 years to provide the infrastructure needed to service Appin. The total area covers around 2,950 hectares and will provide infrastructure to 18,650 dwellings for a population of 55,950 residents.

“Our analysis of the Appin Contributions Plan 2024 has found that the required community liaison has been undertaken and that the infrastructure in the plan is largely essential and reasonable, except for the costs for open space.” Ms Donnelly said.

“We have recommended the council consider this Draft Report and revise the scope and costing methodology for open space works.”

“Other recommendations relate to future versions of the plan where changes are likely to be required following the finalisation of further planning, including a stormwater master plan and Development Control Plan for the area. We also recommend the council make adjustments for any grant funding received following the adoption of the plan.”

For Appin, the council proposed a contribution rate of around $85,000 for a typical dwelling. IPART has not recommended any specific changes to the contribution rates, however there may be a variation in these rates once the council addresses our recommendations, which will be considered for our Final Report.

“We are undertaking consultation to assist us in completing our review of the plan, and invite stakeholders to submit feedback,” Ms Donnelly said.

Submissions are due by 24 January 2025. The Draft Report is available on IPART’s website.

Media Contact: Mark O’Brien, 0427 105 865, media@ipart.nsw.gov.au.