We have released a Final Report on our assessment of the Appin Growth Area Contributions Plan 2024.
What has the council proposed?
Wollondilly Shire Council proposes to levy a total of around $1.54 billion in developer contributions to provide the local infrastructure needed to service the Appin Growth Area.
Overview of our findings
We found that most of the infrastructure costs in the plan are essential and reasonable, and that community liaison has occurred. However, we found that the costs for open space infrastructure in the plan require revision, and that there are corrections needed in the works schedule for both the proportion of non-residential land and the dimensions of transport items.
Our recommendations
We have made recommendations that the council revise the scope and costs of open space works, correct works schedule errors, adjust the allocation of non-residential land, and include a land acquisition allowance. We also made recommendations that the council updates the plan administration costs relative to the updated total works costs following our recommendations, and uses more suitable indexes for works costs over time. If the Minister accepts our recommendations the maximum contribution rate would be around $75,500 for a typical dwelling.