Wholesale price of 156.5 c/L for fuel ethanol from 1 March 2025

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has determined a reasonable wholesale price for fuel ethanol from 1 March 2025 of 156.5 cents per litre. 

We set the ethanol price based on what it would cost retailers if they bought wholesale ethanol from overseas. It is based on a 9-month average of weekly import parity price estimates based on the lowest cost origin for ethanol from either the US or Brazil. 

The March 2025 determined price of 156.5 cents per litre is 2.5 cents, or 1.6%, higher than the determined price for the previous period of 154.0 cents per litre. This is mostly due to a slight increase in the mill-gate price and origin country freight cost. The origin country freight cost was higher as local transport in the US tends to be more costly, and the US mill-gate price was the lowest priced origin for wholesale ethanol for almost 90% of the Import Parity Price averaging period (up from around 70% last averaging period).