We value your feedback and are committed to improving our services and we welcome your feedback.
What can a complaint be about?
You can make a complaint with IPART about:
- The process used to come to our decision or advice (not the decision or advice itself)
- IPART’s internal policies, processes or procedures (including complaints handling)
- Behaviour or conduct of ongoing, temporary and casual employees; consultants; and contractors behaviour or conduct.
A complaint about our services does not include a complaint made to us about other agencies – this includes whether or not they adopt IPART’s advice.
To make a complaint you can either phone, email or send us a letter:
- Phone: IPART on 02 9290 8400
- Email: ipart@ipart.nsw.gov.au
- Letter: IPART, PO BOX K35, Haymarket Post Shop, NSW 1240 (Attention to Complaints Manager)
IPART is committed to improving our services, identifying problems, strengthening relationships and we welcome and value feedback.
We pay close attention to all feedback and complaints we receive and will deal with your issue fairly and thoroughly. We would also like to hear from you if we are doing something well.
Complaints can be made anonymously however this does limit our ability to follow up on issues raised and provide you with updates and a response.
How we handle complaints
Complaints will be referred to the appropriate industry team to determine how best to respond to your concerns. The person handling your complaint will not be the subject of the complaint.
Complaints will be acknowledged within two working days.
All complainants will be treated with courtesy and respect.
Complaints will be subject to an assessment to consider the issues raised and determine how the complaint should be addressed.
We aim to respond to complaints within a reasonable timeframe that we will provide to you, and we will advise you if we are unable to meet the timeframes including the reason for any delay.
We will provide you with an explanation of any action taken and reasons for our decisions.
If you are not happy with our response, you may make a complaint in writing to the NSW Ombudsman.
Our policy, Complaints handling policy, provides more information.
Assistance available
If you require any assistance to make a complaint, we will support you. You are welcome to nominate another person or organisation to represent you about your complaint.
- Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) 131 450.
- If you are deaf, have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:
- Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 9290 8400.
- NRS Internet relay users connect then ask for 9290 8400.
Personal information will be dealt with in accordance with our privacy policy.