This discussion paper seeks stakeholders’ views on whether there is scope for standardisation of sewerage discharge factors for small to medium non-residenti
IPART will continue to regulate prices for State Water’s monopoly services in the 3 coastal valleys (North Coast, Hunter and South Coast) and for some custom
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) has set the maximum prices that the NSW Office of Water (NOW) can charge for the monopoly serv
Licence holders on regulated rivers are billed for 2 charges: a water management charge from the NSW Office of Water, and entitlement and usage charges from
Complete this application form to apply for a Network Operator’s and /or Retail Supplier’s Licence under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006 (NSW).
This fact sheet summarises IPART’s 2013 Issues Paper that seeks comment on the prices that Essential Energy can charge for its water and sewerage services fr
This Issues Paper seeks comment on the prices that Essential Energy can charge for providing water, sewerage, trade waste and other ancillary and miscellaneo