IPART engaged Oakley Greenwood to provide revised estimates of the costs to a reasonably efficient competitor of providing retail and reticulation services.
This Supplementary Draft Report outlines our draft decisions for our review of the maximum prices that Hunter Water and Sydney Water can charge for wholesale
This fact sheet summarises our draft decisions for our review of the maximum prices that Hunter Water and Sydney Water can charge for wholesale services.
IPART engaged Oakley Greenwood to provide revised estimates of the costs to a reasonably efficient competitor of providing retail and reticulation services.
This fact sheet summarises our draft decisions on how the energy adjustment and efficiency carryover mechanisms would apply at future SDP price reviews.
This Draft Methodology Paper sets out our draft decisions on how the energy adjustment and efficiency carryover mechanisms would apply at future SDP price re
This fact sheet summarises our draft decisions on SDP’s maximum prices over the 5-year period from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2022 (the 2017 determination period
This information paper provides further information about our draft decisions on the methodology for the energy adjustment and efficiency carryover mechanism