Water Proposal |
SDP 2023-27 – Pricing submission – Plain English summary
Water Proposal |
SDP 2023-27 – Pricing submission
Water Proposal |
SDP 2023-27 - Appendix
Water Proposal |
CEO Declaration
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Chair Declaration
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Level of service under new operating rules (Ontoit)
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RP3 Submission engagement report (RPS)
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Customer research (StollzNow)
Water Proposal |
Surplus electricity sales analysis (Seed Advisory)
Water Proposal |
Project Summary - Second Drinking Water Tank
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Economic asset lives and regulatory precedents (Frontier Economics)
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Project Summary - Lime System Efficiency Improvements
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Allowed rate of return for SDP (Frontier Economics)
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Technical memorandum on SDP's pipeline design life (KBR)
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Project Summary - Switchroom Fire Suppression
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IPART correspondence on approach to averaging period for rate of return
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Project Summary - Ongoing RO membrane replacement
Water Proposal |
Project Summary - Dual 132kV Feeder
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Analysis of GGRP Contracts (ACIL Allen)
Water Proposal |
SDP Capital Works Procedure