IPART has been asked by the NSW Government to review and recommend a regulatory framework that will provide CityRail with better incentives to provide passen
IPART has been asked by the NSW Government to review and recommend a regulatory framework that will provide CityRail with better incentives to provide passen
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales is seeking consultancy assistance to provide advice on allocating the costs of CityRail’s
The Tribunal has determined that both Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and Rail Corporation New South Wales (RailCorp) have complied with the ceiling
These Guidelines, prepared by the Tribunal, are designed to provide information and guidance to rail infrastructure owners, access seekers and interested par
This statement sets out the Tribunal’s policy on the appropriate measure for major periodic maintenance (MPM) cost in assessing compliance with the ceiling t
Sets out preliminary views on alternative inflators for the costs included in the Bus Industry Cost Index and Commercial Vessel Association Cost Index and se