IPART commissioned the CIE to assess the cost structure of private ferry businesses and make recommendations about the cost weights for the ferry cost indice
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is calling for public submissions on NSW taxi fares and the number of new annual Sydney taxi licences
A guide to the NSW taxi industry setting out the structure of the industry in NSW, including the key participants, their roles and responsibilities and the r
Consultant Report - Review of Sapere Research Group - External benefits of Sydney Ferry Services - Dr Mark Harrison and Professor Henry Ergas - July 2013
This fact sheet provides a summary of IPART’s draft decisions in setting maximum fares for metropolitan and outer metropolitan bus services from January 2014
This media release provides a summary of IPART’s draft decisions in setting maximum fares for metropolitan and outer metropolitan bus services from January 2
The determination sets out the formulae to be applied to determine the maximum fares for certain services supplied under the Sydney tickets and Newcastle tic