This spreadsheet sets out a sample set of results for a hypothetical retailer load shape, including half-hourly ‘hypothetical regulated’ load, half-hourly sy
This report sets out Frontier Economics’ expert advice on the energy purchase costs, including the market based electricity purchase costs, the long run marg
This spreadsheet contains all assumptions, including the updated assumptions outlined in the Frontier Economics addendum to Modelling methodology and assumpt
This draft report and draft determination sets out and explains our draft decisions on tariffs and charges for customers on regulated tariffs in NSW from 201
This fact sheet briefly summarises the draft price increases for customers on regulated tariffs in NSW from 2010 to 2013, which further explained in the draf
This media release briefly summarises our draft decisions for customers on regulated tariffs in NSW from 2010 to 2013, which are further explained in the dra
Frontier Economics presentation made at the public forum held in the IPART Offices, Tuesday 1 September 2009 as part of IPART's public consultation on its dr