Water Proposal |
Detailed price schedules and explanations of modelling Sydney Water undertook in preparing its pricing submission.
Water Proposal |
Detailed reports, prepared by consultants the CIE and Woolcott on Sydney Water’s customer engagement on its pricing proposal.
Water Proposal |
A Plain English summary to help customers understand Sydney Water’s proposal.
Water Proposal |
Supporting attachments that provide further details on specific topics in Sydney Water’s proposal.
Water Proposal |
Overview of Sydney Water’s proposed prices from 1 July 2020
Water Proposal |
This is a summary of their pricing proposal for the Greater Sydney area for prices to apply from 1 July 2020.
Water Proposal |
On 1 July 2019, WaterNSW submitted to IPART its pricing proposal for the Greater Sydney area for prices to apply from 1 July 2020.
Water Proposal |
WaterNSW’s investment governance and decision-making framework.
Water Proposal |
WaterNSW’s capital expenditure project and program justifications.
Water Proposal |
WaterNSW’s cost allocation manual.
Water Proposal |
Hunter Water’s 2019 Pricing Proposal to IPART
Water Proposal |
This document provides a guide to where information is located within the submitted Technical Papers
Water Proposal |
Engaging with our customers and community
Water Proposal |
Service levels
Water Proposal |
Form of regulation
Water Proposal |
Capital expenditure
Water Proposal |
Operating expenditure
Water Proposal |
Revenue requirement and financial metrics
Water Proposal |
Demand for services
Water Proposal |
Pricing of water, wastewater and stormwater service