This report, which has been prepared for IPART by Booz Allen Hamilton, examines the present patronage projections made by Sydney Ferries Corporation and prov
Report commissioned by IPART and prepared by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research NCVER to look at the match between the number of people wi
Report commissioned by IPART and prepared by National Institute of Labour Studies (NILs) looking into the reasons why people with VET qualifications are work
The Tribunal has completed a review of pricing arrangements for recycled water services provided by Sydney Water, Hunter Water, and Gosford and Wyong Council
Draft Report on IPART's findings and recommendation on the future demand for vocational education and training )VET) and the implications for the VET system
Draft Report on IPART's findings and recommendation on the future demand for vocational education and trained (VET) and the implications for the VET system i
The Tribunal has completed a review of pricing arrangements for recycled water services provided by Sydney Water, Hunter Water, and Gosford and Wyong Council
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is reviewing regulated tariffs for small retail gas customers in New South Wales, to apply from 1 Jul
The Tribunal approves Integral energy's application dated 30 June 2006 to Increase prices for the construction and maintenance of its public lighting busines
The Tribunal regulates the prices of bulk water extracted from regulated rivers, unregulated rivers and groundwater sources that State Water and the Departme
The Tribunal regulate the prices of bulk water extracted from regulated rivers, unregulated rivers and groundwater sources that State Water and the Departmen
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released the final Determination setting maximum charges for a range of bulk water services sup