This determination sets out our decisions on the benchmark feed-in tariff range and the retailer contribution to the costs of the Solar Bonus Scheme in 2013/
This is IPART’s submission to the Independent Local Government Review Panel’s third consultation paper - Future Directions for NSW Local Government - 20 Esse
IPART’s solar feed-in tariff determination for 2013/14 sets a benchmark range of 6.6 to 11.2 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) for electricity exported by PV c
IPARTs submission in response to the Australian Energy Market Commission's (AEMC) Draft Report on the effectiveness of competition in retail markets for smal
This fact sheet summarises IPART’s 2013 Issues Paper that seeks comment on the prices that Essential Energy can charge for its water and sewerage services fr
This Issues Paper seeks comment on the prices that Essential Energy can charge for providing water, sewerage, trade waste and other ancillary and miscellaneo