Based on Draft Determination and Draft Report: Essential Energy’s water, sewerage and other services in Broken Hill from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2018
10 March 2014
On 10 March 2014, IPART released its Draft Determination on prices that Essential Energy can charge for providing water, sewerage and other services during the 4 years from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2018.
This fact sheet explains how the Draft Determination will affect water and sewerage bills of Essential Energy’s non-residential customers.
The small increases in draft prices, and the resulting small impact on customer bills, reflect our assessment of Essential Energy’s prudent and efficient costs, using our analysis and judgement. IPART is confident that the draft decisions will allow Essential Energy to continue to provide quality services and meet regulatory standards.
IPART will re-assess Essential Energy’s expenditure at the next determination, as per our normal review processes. We will adjust prices in the next determination if we find that Essential Energy’s prudent and efficient capital expenditure is greater than we allowed.
Under our Draft Determination, the higher Tier 2 water usage prices have been removed, in response to community concerns that these prices were unnecessarily discouraging water consumption and our assessment of the marginal cost of supply.
Draft prices have been set to recover Essential Energy’s efficient costs without the need for a subsidy from the NSW Government. The future of any subsidy is a matter for the NSW Government.
Draft prices - removing the inclining block tariff for water usage
Table 1 shows draft water and sewerage prices for non-residential customers.
Table 1 - IPART’s draft decisions on non-residential water and sewerage prices ($2013/14)
Year ended 30 June |
2013/14 |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
2016/17 |
2017/18 |
% change 2014-2018 |
Water usage ($/kL) Treated water |
1.67 |
1.67 |
1.67 |
1.67 |
1.67 |
0% |
Tier 2 |
2.80 |
1.67 |
1.67 |
1.67 |
1.67 |
-40% |
Untreated water for a pipeline customer |
0.72 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
0% |
Tier 2 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
-33% |
Water service charges ($/pa) |
253.66 |
258.55 |
258.55 |
258.55 |
258.55 |
2% |
Non-residential meter-based service chargea (25mm) |
396.13 |
403.98 |
403.98 |
403.98 |
403.98 |
2% |
Sewerage usage ($/kL) |
1.19 |
1.19 |
1.19 |
1.19 |
1.19 |
0% |
Sewerage service charges ($/pa) |
709.39 |
709.39 |
709.39 |
0% |
a Meter based charge is based on a 20mm meter. Applicable meter charges for larger meters are set using the following formula: (meter size)2×20mm meter charge/400.
Source: IPART analysis.
In response to stakeholders’ concerns that the inclining block tariffs are unnecessarily discouraging water consumption and our assessment of the marginal cost of water supply, we have set a single water usage price by removing Tier 2 prices. We have set the water usage price for each water quality type at its current Tier 1 price, and it will increase by the rate of inflation each year.
We have set sewerage prices at 2013/14 levels, and they will increase by the rate of inflation each year.
Customer bills
Table 2 shows the impact of our draft decisions on water and sewerage bills for non‑residential customers with varied levels of water usage, differing metering arrangements and standard discharge percentages.
Due to the removal of the Tier 2 water usage charge, bills for large users with usage in excess of 400 kL per year will depend on how much of their current usage occurs in the summer period, when the Tier 2 usage threshold is currently 600 kL.[1] For example, a customer with a 32mm meter using 1,000 kL of water per year will have its bill vary between 1.4% and -2.8% over the 4 years, including inflation, depending on how much is currently used during the summer period.
Table 2 - Non-residential annual water and sewerage bills ($nominal)
Financial year ending 30 June |
2013/14a |
2014/15 |
2015/16 |
2016/17 |
2017/18 |
% change |
% change average annual |
Treated water and sewerage |
20mm with 250 kL usage |
1,506.15 |
1,551.84 |
1,590.64 |
1,630.40 |
1,671.16 |
11.0% |
2.6% |
Non-summer period: all consumption above 400 kL currently charged at Tier 2a |
32mm with 1,000 kL usage |
5,490.21 |
4,954.56 |
5,078.42 |
5,205.38 |
5,335.51 |
-2.8% |
-0.7% |
80mm with 5,000 kL usage |
31,951.31 |
27,555.95 |
28,244.85 |
28,950.97 |
29,674.74 |
-7.1% |
-1.8% |
Summer period: consumption between 400 & 600 kL charged at Tier 1b |
32mm with 1,000 kL usage |
5,264.21 |
4,954.56 |
5,078.42 |
5,205.38 |
5,335.51 |
1.4% |
0.3% |
80mm with 5,000 kL usage |
31,725.31 |
27,555.95 |
28,244.85 |
28,950.97 |
29,674.74 |
-6.5% |
-1.7% |
a Currently thresholds apply for Tier 2 usage charges. The threshold for Tier 2 water usage prices is 600 kL per year in the summer months and 400 kL per year at other times.
b Consumption above 600 kL per year is currently charged at Tier 2 rates, at any time of year.
Note: We used a standard discharge factor of 83%, as indicated in Essential Energy’s submission (p 62), to estimate bills.
Source: IPART analysis.
In this Draft Determination, we have introduced a minimum sewerage service charge for non-residential customers. The minimum charge is set at the sewerage service charge for residential customers.
Trade waste
Essential Energy provides liquid trade waste services to non-residential customers in the city of Broken Hill only. We have accepted Essential Energy’s proposed charges, and they will rise in line with inflation.
Reasons for the changes
We set prices based on our assessment of Essential Energy’s efficient costs. The draft prices are lower than Essential Energy’s proposals because:
- Our draft decision on Essential Energy’s efficient operating expenditure in 2017/18 is 15% lower than Essential Energy’s 2013/14 expenditure, to take account of efficiencies.
- Our draft decision on Essential Energy’s prudent and efficient capital expenditure is $35.5 million over the 4 years of the determination period. This is 32% lower than Essential Energy’s proposal of $52.2 million.
- Our Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 4.9%, using our standard methodology, is lower than Essential Energy’s proposed WACC of 5.9%.
We consider that the draft prices in the Draft Determination will allow Essential Energy to continue to provide services, maintain its financial viability and comply with its environmental and service obligations.
Other changes in the 2014 Draft Determination
Cost-reflective mines’ prices
The 2014 Determination is the first time that we will set prices for Essential Energy’s water services to the mines in Broken Hill. Essential Energy proposed cost-reflective prices for the mines, with no subsidy between other customers and the mines.[2]
As part of our review, we engaged a consultant to consider Essential Energy’s cost allocation methodology. Overall, we found that applying the recommendations of our consultant did not result in large changes to the overall revenue to be paid by the mines. We therefore decided to maintain the mines’ contribution to Essential Energy’s water revenue at its current (2013/14) share over the next 4 years.
Once we established the mines’ portion of Essential Energy’s revenue requirement, we then set prices for the mines to recover this revenue, using the same methodology we use for other residential and non-residential customers’ prices.
What happens next?
We invite all interested parties, including individuals, businesses, business groups, councils, community groups, and NSW Government departments or agencies to make written submissions to the review by 11 April 2014. Late submissions may not be accepted at the discretion of IPART.
Our normal practice is to make submissions publicly available on our website <> as soon as possible after the closing date for submissions.
Submissions may comment on any or all of the draft decisions in the Draft Report, and on any other issues stakeholders consider relevant to the review.
We would prefer to receive submissions electronically via our online submission form: or via email:
During the next stage of the review, we will consider all matters raised in submissions in response to the Draft Report and Draft Determination, and then make our Final Determination in June 2014. The new charges are expected to apply from 1 July 2014.
[1] We have set prices in real dollars, excluding the effects of inflation. When we calculate customer bills on a nominal basis, including the effects of inflation, we have used an estimated rate of inflation of 2.7% from 2013/14 to 2014/15 and 2.5% per year thereafter. These inflation rates mean that estimated inflation will be 10.6% over the 4 years of the determination period.
[2] Essential Energy submission to IPART, 13 September 2013, p 58.