Lake stclair
Total feedback submissions

IPART has published its Final Report and Determination on the maximum charges levied by metropolitan water utilities (Sydney Water Corporation, Hunter Water Corporation and Central Coast Council) for:

  • connecting a new service to a new development – former developer charges,
  • connecting a new service to an existing property – former backlog sewerage charges or minor service extension charges; and
  • upgrading an existing service to an existing property – a new charge.

This review excludes developer charges for recycled water.

We last determined Sydney Water’s and Hunter Water’s developer charges in 2000, and Central Coast Council’s charges in 2013. Our backlog sewerage charges methodology was last set in 1997 for Sydney Water, Hunter Water and Central Coast Council and updated in 2006 for Gosford City Council.

This review replaces the 2000 and 2013 Determinations of developer charges, the 1997 and 2006 Determinations of backlog sewerage charges for metropolitan water utilities, and Schedule 8 (minor service extension charge) of our 2016 Determination of retail prices for Sydney Water.

We have also introduced a new charge for voluntary upgrades of services to existing properties to address water flow and pressure issues for firefighting raised by stakeholders as part of our consultation on this review.

Key contact
Scott Chapman
02 9290 8449