The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has now completed the review of the Hunter Water 2017-2022 operating licence. We made recommendations for a new operating licence to the Minister for Lands and Water, and a new customer contract which is included in a schedule to the operating licence, to commence on 1 July 2022.
The operating licence sets the terms under which Hunter Water must provide water and sewerage services for the Lower Hunter region. It sets the quality and performance standards that Hunter Water must comply with. It also sets the terms and conditions for how Hunter Water undertakes water conservation and consults with customers. It includes requirements for protecting customers’ rights and for managing Hunter Water’s assets and environmental activities. Significant reforms to water management across NSW are under way, and some impacted our recommended changes to Hunter Water’s Licence.
We provided a report, our recommended operating licence and customer contract, and our reporting manual outlining Hunter Water’s reporting obligations to the Minister for Lands and Water on 27 May 2022. The report and reporting manual are available on this page. The 2022-2027 operating is available on Hunter Water’s website.
In developing our final recommendations and our final report, during this review, we also published an Issues Paper, a draft report and a draft customer contract. We also held a public hearing. The Issues Paper, draft report, draft customer contract, submissions to these documents, and a public hearing transcript are available on this page.