Video Transcript:

Hello licensees and auditors and welcome to the WILMA system for IPART. In this video we’ll look at how to respond to requests for information.

There are times in the system were you will have raised, or are working on, an item and an analyst will ask for more information and a response about that item. We call these RFIs and you will see them on the dashboard when you log in. You will be able to tell because the item will be highlighted din red text. The red text means there is an RFI inside that needs your attention, or a response. You will also get email alerts with these, so you will receive an email alert to your inbox telling you to log into the system and review them.

When you do login just remember you'll be looking for that read text to tell which ones need your action.

I'm going to click the ID for this audit to go to the details page. You'll see when I come down the screen that the RFI that needs actioning is also highlighted in red, so it's very obvious in the system where you need to go and what you need to do with regards to these requests for information.

Whether you're or a licensee or an auditor, whether it's a notification or an audit, these all work in the exact same way.

So, in this case I've come into my audit and clearly there is an item in red text that needs a response and I can see a message from the analyst mentioning that this is in relation to the proposal. And there is a description that I should please respond to verify, and upload an updated proposal covering the issues raised in the attached document. I can see the status is ‘Awaiting Response’ meaning I need to respond. The document link will be here for you to download and view it. The RFI won't always have a document, they may just write in the description section what needs to be done, it may not always need a document to explain it. If you do need to look at the document just click the link and it will download in the browser as usual and you can review it.

In this case I'm going to go away for a day or two. I'm going to refine that audit proposal. When I'm ready I will come back to the system and click the respond button. I’ll click the RFI first to highlight it in green then I'll click Respond. We will get a pop-up where I can write a response in the field, but I will also be uploading a new version of the proposal. It will be up to you if you can answer the question in the space provided in this response field, or if you do need to attach additional documents. In this case I will write a quick response in the text field and I will upload a new our proposal. I’ll choose a category from the list and giving it a fresh name, and we will click submit.

Note that now there is no longer the red lettering. You have responded so it shows your response, and who responded, and the status is now also “Responded”.

As for the document I attached, if I looked at the ID on the left and then below that is the grid where the documents are held and you can see the same ID is used. So, you can easily tell which documents are related to which RFI above.

The analyst will now get an email alert that you have responded with the updated document, and they were log in and look at it. They may issue you another RFI if changes need to be made, or they may be ready to move on with the audit or the notification or whatever it is.

So, now your work is done and you can relax unless another RFI is issued to you.