Narara Ecovillages (NEV) has applied to vary its’ network operator’s and retail supplier’s licences. The application seeks to:
- Extend the current area of operations to allow disposal of collected sewage direct to Central Coast Council’s (CCC) sewer main
- Remove Aquacell Pty Ltd as the Authorised Person and replace them with Innaco Pty Ltd
- Amend the licence scope to remove the clauses permitting NEV to treat and provide drinking water and to treat sewage and to change the non-potable water clauses to permit treatment of dam water for authorised uses.
The area of operations is detailed in the current licence and is within the CCC local government area.
The public consultation period is 6 September 2021 to 4 October 2021 inclusive.
We will consider feedback from stakeholders and we will make a recommendation to the Minister, whether to grant a variation to the network operator’s and retail supplier’s licences or not, and its conditions.
For more information on making submissions to WICA applications, see our fact sheet.