On 19 October 2007 the Tribunal received a draft Unders and Overs Account Policy from the ARTC for its consideration. ARTC has already engaged in consultation with stakeholders in the course of formulating this draft Policy. Before making any decision on whether to approve the Policy, the Tribunal would like to provide one further opportunity for stakeholders to comment on a particular issue – the proposed approach to information disclosure that would apply to different classes of “Access Seeker” as outlined in section 3.3 and Annexure A of the document. When making any written submissions, we draw your attention to the consultation requirements of the NSW Rail Access Undertaking. Clause 4(f) of Schedule 3 of the Undertaking requires a Rail Infrastructure Owner to develop and publish a policy for the operation of the Unders and Overs Account in consultation with Access Seekers and submit it to IPART for approval. We invite your comments as to what degree of information disclosure this Policy should require, whether different levels of disclosure are appropriate from an industry perspective and the rationale for your respective positions.Comments may be emailed to julia_williams@ipart.nsw.gov.au and must be received by no later than 17 December 2007.