Draft fares released for Clarence River Ferries
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is calling for public submissions on its draft fare determination for Clarence River Ferries servicing Iluka and Yamba. The current maximum fare on this route is $8.30.
Under the draft decision, which would apply from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021, maximum fares for Clarence River Ferries would increase by 30 cents each year.
IPART Chair Dr Peter Boxall said that IPART has assessed the efficient cost of providing the ferry service in making its draft decision.
“Our view is that passengers should pay the prices that reflect the efficient cost of providing the services while enabling private ferry operators to sustain their business over the long term,” Dr Boxall said.
“Clarence River Ferries’ current maximum fare is well below the level reflecting the efficient cost of providing the ferry service, and therefore we have decided to increase its maximum fares to bring them closer to the efficient level.”
The review of ferry fares on the Clarence River is part of a broader review of fares for regular private ferry services across NSW. IPART determines fares for Sydney and Stockton Ferry services as part of Opal fares review.
Submissions to the Draft Report close on 27 October, with an opportunity for further comments at a public hearing to be held on 23 October. All stakeholder comments will be taken into consideration before making the final determination in December.
The Draft Report is available on IPART’s website.