14 August 2014
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has assessed the impact of the change from paper-based tickets to the Opal card to ensure that the increases in fares complies with our determinations.
IPART regulates maximum fares for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink Intercity services, Sydney Ferries and metropolitan and outer metropolitan bus services using a ‘price cap approach’. Under this approach, IPART does not specify prices for each ticket type but determines an average increase. Within these limits, Transport for NSW decides what fares will apply and uses the fares collected to fund part of the cost of providing the services.
IPART has found that the overall fare increase does not exceed the maximums under our determinations, with some fares increasing by more and others increasing by less than the maximum average under Opal.
For instance, the Government’s decision on fares means that passengers who used MyTrain single, return and weekly paper tickets typically pay less under Opal. Passengers who previously used quarterly and annual paper tickets tend to pay more under Opal. Passengers who previously used other paper tickets may pay more or less under Opal, depending on their travel patterns.
Transport for NSW must submit any proposed fare or ticket changes to IPART to show that they comply with our determinations.
A compliance statement detailing IPART’s assessment is available at www.ipart.nsw.gov.au.
Media contact: Julie Sheather (02) 9290 8403 M 0409 514 643